As I chiropractor I look after your nerves joints and muscles by using a range of different treatment modalities. These include but are not limited to, spinal adjustments, soft tissue massage, dry needling (Acupuncture), active release, stretches and exercise. As chiropractors we are able to treat and manage a vast range of musculoskeletal conditions including spinal conditions, tension headaches, muscle pain, arthritis, frozen shoulder, specific tendinopathies, jaw and hip pain.
Having pain is not normal and it is usually a sign of stress to the body from repeatedly moving incorrectly or from poor posture. The purpose of chiropractic is to restore optimum joint mechanics and undo muscle imbalance. Once we get you moving better, pain usually disappears. Book online today to start working on your health goals.
The clinic is open once a week (Wednesdays).
I am excited to provide the mid-Wales area with chiropractic care, which as a community is so often neglected of such niche services.
As a Chiropractor my expertise combine a variety
of therapeutic methods based on the needs of
each patient, including joint manipulation, soft tissue massage, stretching and acupuncture
(dry needling).
Welcome to Geraint Workman
A friendly, local practice providing quality Chiropractic care and serving my patients in the highest standard. I strive to give peace of mind and relief from stress to all of my patients by taking away pain and suffering on a daily basis.
I am committed to highly professional standards and provide excellence in Chiropractic care in an environment that is welcoming and comfortable. My goal is the restoration of your health and promotion of your wellness so you may enjoy your life to the fullest potential.